Academic CV
PhD in Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London
03/10/2022 – Present
Thesis supervisors: Dr Sophia Connell (primary) and Dr Alex Grzankowski (secondary).
Thesis title: “The Worst Race Scenario: Racial Minorities and Obscene Art”.
Recipient of Diversity100 Studentship. Full academic scholarship for PhD course.
MPhil in Philosophy, University of Warwick
05/10/2020 – 05/10/2022
Pass, No Corrections. Highest Attainment Possible.
Thesis co-supervisors: Professor Eileen John and Dr Sameer Bajaj.
Thesis title: “Not Child’s Play: The Regulation of Obscene Art”.
Thesis examiners: Dr Hans Maes (external) and Dr Nadine Elzein (internal).
Recipient of Warwick Philosophy Departmental Scholarship. Full academic scholarship for both years of the programme.
BA (Hons) Philosophy and History of Art, University College London
25/09/2017 – 13/07/2020
First-Class Honours Degree.
Thesis co-supervisors: Professor James Wilson and Dr Robert Simpson.
Thesis title: “Size Does Matter: The Aesthetic Appreciation of Japanese Gardens and Bonsai”.
Final marks in Philosophy papers: Philosophy of Art (75); Free Speech and Theories of Autonomy (73); and Thesis (71).
Letter of Congratulation for excellent performance, awarded by Professor James Wilson, Interim Head of UCL Philosophy Department 2020/2021.
Public Talks
“A Response to Arthur Danto’s ‘End of Art’ Theory: An Examination of the Intrusion and Exclusion of Philosophy in 20th Century Literature” (2018).
London Undergraduate Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Reshaping the Present: The Significance of the Cultural Aesthetic in Arnold Berleant’s Philosophy” (2019).
King’s College London Minorities and Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Establishing the Place of Race: A Critical Evaluation of Cultural Constructionism” (2021).
Departmental Graduate Seminar, University of Warwick – Speaker.
“Bulbs, Breasts, and Bodies: An Examination of Food Aesthetics in Judy Chicago’s and Miriam Schapiro’s
Womanhouse” (2021).
Postgraduate Workshop in Aesthetics, Scottish Aesthetics Forum – Speaker.
“In Art We Trust: An Exploration into the Problem of Perfect Forgeries” (2022).
Departmental Graduate Seminar, University of Warwick – Speaker.
“The Aesthetic Conundrum of the Perfect Forgery” (2022).
North London Collegiate School Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Public Paintings, Curious Children, and Dire Dangers” (2022).
British Society of Aesthetics Workshop on Aesthetics of Public Art – Speaker.
“The Wonderful World of Children: Obscenity, Free Speech, and Art” (2022).
London Graduate Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Philosophy and Obscenity” (2023).
North London Collegiate School Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Racial Minorities and Obscene Art” (2024).
London BAME Doctoral Conference – Speaker.
“Rethinking Difference: Being, Belonging, and ‘White Pride’ in the Metaphysics of Race” (2025).
Kant’s Cave Lectures – Speaker.
“The Metaphysics of Race” (2025).
North London Collegiate School Philosophy Conference – Speaker.
“Redefining Normal: Changing the Narrative on Mental Illness” (2025).
TEDxYouth@HabsElstree Conference (Theme: Shaping Tomorrow) – Speaker.
Projects and Extracurriculars
Co-Creator of Bentham Digest, UCL’s Philosophy Magazine (2017-2019).
I co-created and co-edited UCL’s first popular philosophy magazine.
Academic Representative in UCL Philosophy Department (2017-2020).
President of UCL Philosophy Society (2018-2019).
Founding Director of POLIS, Philosophers of London in Solidarity (2018-2019).
POLIS is a Philosophy Network which currently has seven members: Birkbeck, Dead Philosophers Society (SOAS), KCL, LSE, NCH, Royal Holloway, and UCL.
“The Role of Value in Philosophical Thought” (2019).
London Undergraduate Philosophy Conference – Principal Organiser.
“Decolonising the Curriculum” Project – Joint Faculty Team Member (2019).
I was one of five students selected from over one hundred applicants by anthropologist Professor Caroline Garaway to work on this project. We received funding from the UCL ChangeMakers Programme.
CineMAP, Warwick Minorities and Philosophy – Creator (2020).
I created CineMAP, the Warwick Philosophy Department’s film club as part of the Minorities and Philosophy team.
The John Stuart Mill Cup – Judge (2021).
I was a judge at the London Regionals.
Warwick Minorities and Philosophy – Organiser (2021-2022).
I was part of the Warwick MAP organising committee 2021/2022.
Warwick Dinner Party – Co-Organiser with Dr Eileen John (2022).
Art project with funding from Warwick Food GRP and CRPLA.
Warwick Minorities and Philosophy – Organiser (2022-2023).
I was part of the Birkbeck MAP organising committee 2022/2023.
London Aesthetics Forum – Co-Organiser (2023-Present).
I am part of the London Aesthetics Forum organising committee.
Dr Stacie Friend – Reader in Philosophy and President of the British Society of Aesthetics, Birkbeck, University of London.
Professor Eileen John – Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts, University of Warwick.
Dr Robert Simpson – Associate Professor of Philosophy, University College London.
Professor James Wilson – Professor of Philosophy and Co-Director of the UCL Health Humanities Centre, University
College London.